An email arrived from Microsoft witha link to a page containing all of the sessions to be presented at TechEd, and asking me to make some preliminary choices. I took a quick look, and was a bit overwhelmed by the task, as there were a dozen or so threads - Visual Studio 2008, workflow, Sharepoint, architecture etc, and it seemed very difficult to choose presentations session by session, and still make sure I covered the threads that interested me.
So, I decided to do some Equinox V testing, and knocked up a quick application to help me do the job! After an awful but very effective hack job on the html page to divide it up into presentations and their details, I had the data imported and divided up into sessions, and all the presentations happening at that time as a child group. I could also sort the presentations on the code using a global index, which gave me the view of presentations by thread.
With a little more functionality to value and select individual presentations, I soon had a list by thread that I wanted to go to, and could switch between thread and session views to make sure everything was covered! Job done.